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Horseback Riding Lessons Openings

There are still openings in our winter-spring Horseback Riding Lessons at Holistic Riding at Kopping Farm in Lemont!

Boy on HorsebackWhether you are new to the saddle or have been horseback riding before, this program is for you. Riders improve their balance, core stability, and strength while they enjoy the movement of their horse. Riders of all levels embrace the ageless goal of lightness and harmony with one’s equine partner. Participants must be ambulatory and able to sit on a horse without a riding partner. Holistic Riding follows the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International’s (PATH) guidelines and is PATH certified.

The Horseback Riding Lessons are for all ages, last four weeks, and have a fee of $350. We have openings in the following sessions:

  • Tuesdays, March 7-April 11 (no programs March 21 & 28), 5-6 p.m., Code #9-070-01-6
  • Tuesdays, April 18-May 9, 5-6 p.m., Code #9-070-01-8
  • Thursdays, March 9-April 13 (no programs March 16, 23 & 30; make-up date March 13 or date agreed upon by participant and instructor), 5-6 p.m., Code #9-070-01-7
  • Thursdays, April 20-May 11, 5-6 p.m., Code #9-070-01-9

For more information and to register, please contact Cathy Morava at 630.960.7600.