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Frequently Asked Questions

Where does SEASPAR get its funding?

Member entity contributions from the local property taxes they collect provide approximately 59% of SEASPAR’s total budget.

The remaining sources are program revenue (35%), donations/grants/fund development (5%), and investment interest (1%). SEASPAR receives no state or federal funding.

How many people work for SEASPAR?

Participant Giving Thumbs Up with StaffSEASPAR employs 15 full-time staff and more than 230 part-time staff. Volunteers also give 2,300 hours of their time each year. For information on becoming part of the SEASPAR team, visit the Employment/Volunteer page.

How big is SEASPAR’s service area?

SEASPAR’s service area covers nearly 70 square miles and a total population of approximately 240,000 people. Of that population, nearly 10% likely have some type of disability. Of those individuals, ½-1% are likely to require or participate in special recreation services.

SEASPAR’s member entities include the park districts of Clarendon Hills, Darien, Downers Grove, La Grange, La Grange Park, Lemont, Lisle, Westmont, Woodridge, and the villages of Brookfield, Indian Head Park, Western Springs, and Willowbrook. Anyone residing in those incorporated entities may participate in SEASPAR programs.

Can non-residents participate?

Only if they live in an unincorporated area that is not a part of a village or park district or if they live in the area served within the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association, with which SEASPAR has a reciprocal agreement. Proof of address is required. In either case, residents are given priority registration. Learn more on the Resident/Non-Resident Policy page.

How many programs and events are offered each year?

More than 700

How many people are served each year? 

Participant in Wheelchair LaughingIndividuals: More than 1,100

Number of registrations: More than 5,500

Service hours: Nearly 129,000

Are inclusion services provided?

Inclusion support is provided for individuals who choose to participate in programs offered by SEASPAR’s member entities. Aides, staff training, and assessments are available to assist in the inclusion process. To begin the process, register for the program(s) with the park district or recreation department, indicating that inclusion support is needed on the form. After you register for the program, the member entity and SEASPAR will work cooperatively with you to provide reasonable accommodations. Learn more on the Inclusion Services page.

Is transportation provided?

Door-to-door transportation is not provided, although pick-up points are offered in La Grange, Downers Grove, and Lemont for some programs and special events. Point-to-point transportation is offered for day camps. Learn more on the Transportation page.

Where are SEASPAR programs held?

Participant with Golf InstructorJust about anywhere! A few are conducted at our office, but most are held at our member entity facilities and commercial facilities in our service area and beyond. Visit the Program Schedules and Brochures page to view a program guide with locations for the current season.

How do I know if SEASPAR is right for me or my family member?

Call us at 630.960.7600 or contact us online to set up a meeting with a staff member who is responsible for providing services to someone of your age or with your type of special recreation needs. The staff will be excited to meet you and to learn about what you might like to do in your leisure time. They will also let you know about the programs and services that SEASPAR offers for you.

Why do I have to fill out an Emergency Form?

SEASPAR takes its responsibility for providing safe and meaningful programs and services seriously. The information on the Emergency Form provides invaluable health, behavioral, and contact information to provide you with the best of care and appropriate programming possible.

Do you have a question we haven’t answered? Contact us online, call us at 630.960.7600, or visit our office to learn more about SEASPAR!