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Home Front Health


Home Front Health

What is Home Front Health?

Home Front Health is a veterans wellness program offering disabled veterans fitness passes to either the Downers Grove Park District (4500 Fitness), or the Lemont Park District (The CORE). The program includes one free annual fitness pass for the veteran and a second free annual fitness pass for a companion of the veteran’s choice. The guest must be the same person each visit and must be accompanied by the veteran each time they use the facilities.

How Do I Qualify?

In order to qualify for Home Front Health, the following must be met:


Veteran must be a resident of either Downers Grove or Lemont

Disability Rating

Veteran must have at least a 10% disability rating from the VA that was acquired during their time in the military. 

Discharge Status

Veteran must have been honorably discharged from the military.

Veterans who meet all qualifications are eligible for the Home Front Health program.

Membership Locations

4500 Fitness

Downers Grove Park District

4500 Fitness is a 5,200-square-foot, full-service fitness facility with three group exercise studios.


4500 Belmont Rd.
Downers Grove, IL 60515


M-F: 5:00 am – 9:00 pm

Sa-Su: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm


Lemont Park District

The CORE is a state-of-the-art fitness facility which houses over 100 pieces of the most innovative fitness equipment and has free weights available.


16050 W. 127th St.
Lemont, IL 60439


M-F: 5:00 am – 9:00 pm

Sa-Su: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Membership Benefits

  • An annual pass to the Downers Grove Park District’s 4500 Fitness or Lemont Park District’s The CORE (membership depends on residency).
  • A second annual pass for a companion (must be accompanying member when visiting the facility).
  • A one-time free trial of a park district fitness program.

Ready To Join?

If you qualify for the Home Front Health program, membership is only a few steps away. 

1. Complete an Application


Complete the membership registration form and/or the guest registration form.


Download and print the membership registration form.

Membership Registration Form

Guest Registration Form

Printed applications are available at our office at 4500 Belmont Road in Downers Grove.

2. Provide Supporting Documents

You will need to provide proof of residency, disability rating, and discharge status. Documents can be submitted at the time of application for online registrations.

3. Enjoy

Once your application is processed, you’ll be ready to take charge of your own journey with a Home Front Health membership.


Speak with a SEASPAR representative by calling 630.960.7600.
