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Employee Documents

Employee Portal

Log in to view paystubs and update contact information. For assistance, contact us at 630.960.7600.

Staff Forms

(Be sure to download and save any fillable PDF forms before completing.)

Program Summary Forms

Program Reports

(Be sure to download and save any fillable PDF forms before completing.)

Inclusion Reports

Vehicle Forms

Summer Day Camp Forms

(Be sure to download and save any fillable PDF forms before completing.)

Fillable PDF forms may be downloaded, completed using Adobe Reader, saved, then emailed to the appropriate staff listed on the form. They may also be printed. (Please note that you MUST download the form and save it to your computer before completing it. If you complete the form in your web browser, your information will NOT be saved!) For step-by-step instructions, visit our Fillable PDF Form Instructions page.

Having trouble opening PDFs? Download Adobe Acrobat Reader here.