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Brochure Advertising

SEASPAR offers brochure advertising opportunities for businesses and community associates to enhance their market exposure, increase sales and services, and create greater visibility to the public. For more information or to request brochure advertising, please contact us online or call us at 630.960.7600.

Brochure Information

At least 3,700 copies are printed three times per year. Brochures are distributed within SEASPAR’s thirteen member communities to park district facilities, village halls, libraries, schools, and social service agencies and organizations. They are also distributed beyond SEASPAR’s borders to agencies serving people with disabilities. Brochures are direct mailed to all current participants and those who ask to receive them. The brochures have a shelf life of three to four months and contain information about seasonal programs.

Space Available for Advertising

The back cover and the inside back cover are available for full-color ads. Interior pages are available for black and white ads.


One-half page (approx. 7-5/8″ wide x 4-3/4″ tall): $500/season; $1,350/year

One-quarter page (approx. 3-3/4″ wide x 4-3/4″ tall): $250/season; $675/year

Design details

Ads must be provided as high-resolution PDF files. EPS format is also accepted. JPEG files are not accepted. All fonts used in the ad should be sent with the file or converted to outlines.

Color Ads: Ads on the back cover and inside back cover can be printed in full color. For color ads, please submit in CMYK (no RGB). Please note that colors viewed on a monitor may not be accurate when compared to final output.

Black and White Ads: Ads placed on inside pages will print in black and white. Please submit ads as black and white or grayscale art. Do not supply color art for black and white ads.


Summer Brochure – Delivery in mid-April

Ad material due: January 31

Fall Brochure – Delivery in late July

Ad materials due: April 30

Winter/Spring Brochure – Delivery in early December

Ad material due: September 30

SEASPAR Advertising Terms and Conditions

1. Advertising opportunities are extended to any local, national, or international business, non-profit agency, and government agency that has or wishes to have a presence with SEASPAR. Subject to SEASPAR’s terms for accepting advertising, contracts will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

2. Advertising opportunities are not extended to any organization whose mission or goal is in conflict with SEASPAR’s mission statement. SEASPAR values and promotes service accessibility, excellence, diversity, wholesomeness, and accountability.

3. SEASPAR reserves the right to refuse any advertising from organizations or companies that offer competing programs.

4. SEASPAR is a municipal organization and will not accept political advertising of any kind.

5. SEASPAR reserves the right to revise, reject, or omit any ad at any time without notice. Any camera-ready advertising submitted that does not conform to the publication’s mechanical requirements will be enlarged or reduced at the discretion of the brochure designer. SEASPAR shall not be responsible for damages if an advertisement fails to be published for any reason.

6. SEASPAR reserves the right to determine and/or change the placement of ads without notice.

7. Advertisers and advertising agencies are liable for all content of advertisements (including copy, representation, and illustrations) and shall indemnify and hold harmless SEASPAR, without limitation against, for any and all claims made thereof against losses sustained by SEASPAR, its Board of Directors, or employees.

8. The advertiser and its agency, if there is one, each represent that they are fully authorized and licensed to use: (1) the names, portrait, and/or pictures of living persons; (2) any copyrighted or trademarked materials; and (3) any testimonials contained in any advertisement submitted by or on behalf of the advertiser and published in any SEASPAR publications, and that such advertisement is neither libelous or defamatory, an invasion of privacy or otherwise unlawful to the third party. The advertiser and its agency each agree to indemnify and hold harmless SEASPAR against all losses, liability, damage, and/or expenses arising from the copying, printing, or publishing of any such advertisement.

9. No conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on contracts, orders, or copy instructions which conflict with policies will be binding on SEASPAR.

10. SEASPAR shall not be responsible for any damages caused by acts of God, fires, strikes, accidents or other occurrences beyond the control of the publisher or SEASPAR.

11. Any drawings, artwork, and copy submitted for reproduction are accepted at the risk of the advertiser. Credit for errors shall be at SEASPAR’s sole discretion and is limited to first insertion and shall not exceed the cost of space in which errors occur. No allowance is granted for errors that do not materially affect the value of an advertisement.

12. Failure to fulfill contract terms for multiple insertions will result in additional charges equal to the discount allowed.

13. SEASPAR does not return any items submitted for advertising, unless otherwise mentioned.

Rate Protection

SEASPAR reserves the right to revise advertising rates. However, this will not affect existing signed and written advertising agreements. All advertising placed without a signed advertising agreement is subject to the rates that apply at the time of publication.


Once the publication is distributed, the advertiser will be issued an invoice, which must be paid upon receipt.