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Welcome to SEASPAR

The sole purpose of SEASPAR (the South East Association for Special Parks And Recreation) is to provide dynamic programs and quality recreation services for people with disabilities residing in its twelve community service areas.

SEASPAR’s service areas include the park districts of Clarendon Hills, Darien, Downers Grove, La Grange, La Grange Park, Lemont, Lisle, Westmont, and Woodridge, and the villages of Brookfield, Indian Head Park, and Western Springs. Anyone residing in those incorporated entities may participate in SEASPAR programs.

It is SEASPAR’s vision to: Discover Abilities, Achieve Potential, and Realize Dreams.

SEASPAR was founded with and continues to operate with the following core values: Fun, Excellence, Service, Respect, and Accountability.

Take advantage of SEASPAR’s variety of offerings to discover, achieve, realize, and have FUN!

View Our Service Areas