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Aktion Club Fundraiser on November 16

Aktion Club MemberThe SEASPAR Kiwanis Aktion Club is a unique community service organization for adults with disabilities who wish to help others. The club conducts fundraisers to support local, state, national, and international charitable causes. Past recipients of Aktion Club funds include organizations that provide veteran and senior services, hunger and disaster relief, health and medical research, animal welfare, and many more. Since its creation in 2005, the Aktion Club has raised and donated more than $10,000 to nearly 30 charities!

To continue its charitable giving, the Aktion Club is hosting a fundraiser at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Woodridge on Wednesday, November 16 from 11 a.m. to closing. At this event, 10% of your total bill will be donated to the Aktion Club. To participate, simply download and print the fundraiser ticketClicking this link will open a PDF document. and present it to your server.

Please join the Aktion Club for a delicious meal for a great cause! For more information, call SEASPAR at 630.960.7600.

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