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Read the latest message from SEASPAR Director

Hi SEASPAR participants, families, staff, and friends!

By now, you have likely heard many reports about how the Coronavirus is impacting people’s way of life. Throughout the country, public gatherings of all sizes have been affected either directly or indirectly, and SEASPAR is not immune to the impact.

I want to assure you that we are not taking this situation lightly and are taking all steps to protect our staff and participants while enjoying SEASPAR programs and events. We continue to monitor news reports and recommendations from local authorities, the Centers for Disease Control, and our risk management agency. Below are some steps SEASPAR has implemented:

  • We have stepped up cleaning practices around our office, any dedicated space, and our vans.
  • We will be sure that staff have ample hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes available and encourage their use.
  • Staff will continue to remind participants and assist them in washing hands often, as well as avoiding direct contact with other individuals.
  • With regard to contact, we are substituting handshakes with elbow or fist bumps, or a simple thumbs-up will suffice to greet our friends.
  • We remind participants and staff that if they feel ill, including having a fever, coughing, or sneezing, they should stay home.
  • If we witness participants or staff who appear to be ill, we will ask that they get picked up and/or send them home.

As far as our programs and events are concerned, we will continue to run them as planned and will make modifications if the event or location we are visiting changes their plans. Modifications may include the canceling of programs. Again, we will monitor every situation and make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

We need everyone to do their part to promote healthy practices! Below are some resources that are available online about the Coronavirus:

Our thoughts are with those who have been affected.


Matt Corso

SEASPAR Executive Director