Message Update: 4.25.2022
In order to align with recent changes that lifted travel mask requirements, SEASPAR will no longer require staff or participants to wear a mask when riding on the bus. Participants and staff are welcome to continue to wear masks and we ask that everyone respect the personal choice of others.
As always, we will continue to monitor the climate of the pandemic so that the best decisions can be made to maintain a safe environment for all.
SEASPAR has followed the lift of the indoor mask mandate and made masks optional for participants and staff in SEASPAR programs beginning Monday, February 28. Participants and staff are welcome to continue to wear masks and we ask that everyone respect the personal choice of others. As you know, mandates and guidelines can change quickly and with little warning. We will keep everyone informed of any changes as quickly as possible.
We have three important points/reminders:
- Participants and staff should continue to bring masks with them if we travel to a facility that requires masks. Wherever we go, we expect all to follow the rules of that facility.
- We will still require masks to be worn while traveling on SEASPAR vehicles. This coincides with the federal mandate that requires masks on public transportation. While we try to stay socially distant in our vehicles, it is possible and likely to be shoulder-to-shoulder for extended periods of time on our vehicles; therefore, the masks provide an extra layer of protection during this time.
- If an extended amount of time is required to assist a participant with any personal care (like assisting with eating or in a bathroom), we will require both participants and staff to wear a mask during that time.
SEASPAR will continue to practice cleaning protocols such as regular cleaning of highly touched surfaces, equipment, and supplies, as well as encouraging hand washing often and providing hand sanitizer to all when needed.
If a participant or staff is showing any COVID-like symptom, we ask that they stay home and seek medical care and advice and follow the CDC guidelines to minimize their exposure to others.
We will continue to keep everyone updated on any information that may change from this current plan.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.