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Movie In The Park

Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 20, and get ready for an unforgettable evening of family-friendly entertainment with the screening of the beloved comedy, Daddy Day Care.

The event will take place at Blackhawk Park, providing a picturesque setting for a night under the stars. Doors will open at 7:00pm, giving attendees plenty of time to settle in, grab their favorite spot on the lawn, and enjoy some pre-movie activities. Free snacks will be provided while supplies last. The movie will start at sunset, promising a magical backdrop as the sun dips below the horizon.

Daddy Day Care, starring Eddie Murphy, is a heartwarming comedy about two dads who start a daycare center after losing their jobs. Filled with humor and touching moments, it’s the most suitable movie for audiences of all ages.

So, pack up your picnic basket, gather your loved ones, and join us for a night of laughter and community spirit. Let’s make this Movie in the Park a night to remember!

Event Details:

·       Date: Saturday, July 20

·       Time: Doors open at 7:00pm, movie starts at sunset

·       Location: Blackhawk Park, Indian Head Park

·       Feature Film: Daddy Day Care

What to Bring:

·       Blankets and lawn chairs for comfortable seating

·       Friends and family to share the fun

·       An appetite for free treats

·       Insect spray to keep the pests away

SEASPAR is grateful to event sponsors 5-3 Digital Consulting and Contour MedSpa of Lemont. And we are still accepting new sponsors! Showcase your business to our community for as little as $100. Download our sponsorship formClicking this link will open a PDF document. or contact Morgan at for more information. Our sponsors help us keep events like these free for all guests!

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