Parents are invited to join a FREE support group training to obtain the fundamentals of fostering independence in their child. SEASPAR is presenting this program at the Downers Grove Recreation Center on Saturday, April 13 from 9:45-11:45 a.m.
A Behavior Analyst from C.A.B.S. Autism and ABA Therapy Services will present and provide the group with antecedent supports, tips, and tactics to tackle some common associated behaviors that you can apply at home and in other settings. Learn the importance of teaching these independence skills when your child is young so they know how to take good care of themselves when they’re grown and ready. We’ll also provide some time with C.A.B.S. staff for questions, answers, and sharing.
Free childcare is provided. Parents do not need to have a child participating in SEASPAR programs in order to attend.
The Downers Grove Recreation Center is located at 4500 Belmont Road in Downers Grove. View on a Google Map.
Online registration is now closed. Please call 630.960.7600 to inquire about open spots in the session.