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SEASPAR Popcorn Fundraiser

Enjoy Popcorn and Support SEASPAR at the same time. Click to learn more.Back by pop-ular demand! SEASPAR’s second Double Good popcorn fundraising event begins on Tuesday, November 3, at 6:30 pm, and ends on Saturday, November 7, at 6:30 pm.

Double Good is famous for its mission to provide organizations like SEASPAR with a delicious way of raising funds for a good cause. For each item purchased during our event, SEASPAR will receive 50% off the sales. It’s that easy! While famous for their relationship with good causes, Double Good popcorn is well-known for its top-quality gourmet popcorn available in many popular flavors. Double Good popcorn is shipped in beautiful packaging and make for great gifts for the holidays.

Place an order.

Love popcorn but love SEASPAR even more? Consider supporting SEASPAR’s fundraising efforts by creating a pop-up store of your own. Creating your own pop-up store helps us cast a wider net but inviting friends and family share, support, and purchase via Facebook, text, and email. Creating your own pop-up store is fast and easy. See below for details on how to create your own pop-up store.

Fundraiser Details

Begins on Tuesday, November 3 at 6:30 pm
Ends on Saturday, November 7, at 6:30 pm

Why We Are Fundraising

During the pandemic, SEASPAR has conducted countless virtual programs serving hundreds of participants at little or no cost to the participants. Money earned from this fundraiser will help support these programs.

Support by Placing an Order

You may support by placing an order for any amount of gourmet popcorn. 50% off all sales will benefit SEASPAR.

Visit our popcorn pop-up shop and place an order here.

Support by Creating Your Own Pop-Up Store

To create your personal popcorn store:

  1. Download the Double Good app from the App Store or Google Play store.
  2. Join the fundraising event: enter the 6-Letter event code BLWKCB.
  3. Follow the prompts to create your own pop-up store (this is your personal fundraising page).
  4. Share your pop-up store.
  5. When the event begins, you’ll have 4 days (96 hours) to share your pop-up store link with family and friends using text, social media, and e-mail.

Your chance to support SEASPAR and enjoy delicious gourmet popcorn won’t last forever. Once the clock hits zero, your opportunity to purchase, along with your chance to support SEASPAR, will be gone. Popcorn sales are live beginning on Tuesday, November 3, at 6:30 pm, and end on Saturday, November 7, at 6:30 pm.