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SEASPAR Spotlight: February 2022


SEASPAR Spotlight: Lorenzo Forieri

Meet Lorenzo Forieri, a SEASPAR participant from Downers Grove. Lorenzo’s upbeat personality and cheek-to-cheek smile make him like a ray of sunshine at any program he attends. Luckily for us, Lorenzo is a devoted SEASPAR participant, making him a familiar face at most any program or event SEASPAR hosts. Whether he is lighting up the stage at SEASPAR’s Holiday Spectacular or controlling an avatar in SEASPAR’s eSport, Rocket League, Lorenzo does it all! 

Surely, being a reliable presence at our events is an attribute we love about Lorenzo, but it’s not the reason we bring your attention to this young man. Lorenzo is deserving of our attention because of the energy he shares and his infectious positivity. Whether to staff, peers, or bystanders, Lorenzo never shies away from pouring kindness into every word. Of course, that kindness transcends into his actions too. During Holiday Shopping, a SEASPAR sponsored event, Lorenzo’s shopping bag, which contained gift items for his family, was misplaced. Staff did everything in their power to locate his lost bag, but alas, hope was lost. After having concluded that his bag was lost – or worse, stolen – Lorenzo said, “That’s okay. I’m sure they needed it more than I did.” Lorenzo’s unbreakable personality shines even during the worst of times. Fortunately, shopping center staff recovered the lost items, and they were returned to him.  

As a Special Olympics athlete, Lorenzo is no stranger to the awards podium. His participation in various sports has amounted many gold, silver, and bronze medals, and titles to match. Some less-tangible awards include standing ovations, hard-earned eSports team nicknames, and his status as a fan favorite. In January, Lorenzo was recognized by the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association’s Therapeutic Recreation Section for his achievements at the group’s annual meeting. This recognition is presented to a participant that excels in many criteria, including excellence and achievements. SEASPAR will officially present Lorenzo with a plaque commemorating this recognition during this year’s Believe and Achieve ceremony.  

We thank Lorenzo for choosing SEASPAR as his home away from home, and for always providing us with many smiles, kindness, and dedication. Keep an eye out for Lorenzo at our upcoming events and let him know he’s a shining star if you see him!  

A photo of February's SEASPAR Spotlight Participant
A photo of February's SEASPAR Spotlight Participant
A photo of February's SEASPAR Spotlight Participant