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SEASPAR Spotlight: September 2023


In the heart of a community that thrives on shared experiences and boundless enthusiasm, one individual stands out as a true embodiment of the spirit that defines SEASPAR – please meet Liam Heraty.

 Liam’s engagement with SEASPAR’s diverse array of programs testifies to his unwavering dedication to personal growth, social interaction, and community involvement. From his active participation in Social Club West, which fosters connections and camaraderie, to the precision of his strikes at Bowling at Lisle Lanes, Liam’s enthusiasm for each activity is captivating. He’s a regular at Spartans Golf, demonstrating his sporting prowess with every swing. His culinary curiosity shines through in his participation in Soup or Salad and Cooking with SEASPAR sessions. Even in the virtual realm, Liam finds his groove in Yoga with Jen, proving that distance can never dampen his zest for life.

Beyond his SEASPAR commitments, Liam is a shining light in the Darien EAGLES community. His radiant presence extends to every facet of his life, leaving a trail of positivity in his wake. No one can deny the sincerity of his ever-present smile, a beacon of warmth and approachability. As friends and fellow participants walk through the door, they’re greeted by Liam’s cheerful welcome – a simple gesture that sets the tone for an unforgettable day.

Liam’s genuine care for others transcends beyond the surface. His willingness to inquire about the well-being of both friends and staff, extending even to their families, showcases a level of empathy that rises above ordinary interactions. This heartwarming trait is what truly sets Liam apart – he isn’t content with simply being present; he’s committed to making those around him feel seen, heard, and cherished.

Among the numerous facets of Liam’s engaging personality, there are fun facts that truly bring his vibrant character to life. Whenever music fills the air, Liam’s spontaneous conducting comes to life, revealing the unwavering energy that drives him. His knowledge of travel, particularly Ireland and the European Rail system, is awe-inspiring. Engaging Liam in a conversation about his travel insights over a burger and a bottle of root beer is an opportunity cherished by all who have the privilege.

An example of his determination and adventurous spirit came to light during a recent season of the Soup or Salad program. Liam embarked on a culinary journey, determined to explore the entire menu. Week after week, he challenged himself to order something new, pledging not to repeat a meal until he’d savored every offering. By the season’s end, he had conquered the entire menu, a testament to his tenacity.

Liam’s favorite phrase, “Pork Chops and Applesauce,” encapsulates his unique charm and spontaneity. It’s a phrase that reflects his individuality, light-heartedness, and ability to bring joy to any moment.

Liam Heraty was presented with SEASPAR’s 2023 Shining Star award at the Believe & Achieve Recognition Banquet in May, and it’s a recognition well-deserved. Liam’s journey through SEASPAR programs has transcended routine participation – it’s become a beacon of inspiration for others to follow. He embodies SEASPAR’s core principles, transforming every encounter into an opportunity for connection, growth, and shared positivity. Liam gives us a glimpse of what an open embrace, a warm smile, and a curious heart can do for our world through his vibrant spirit.