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SEASPAR Spotlight: July

The SEASPAR Spotlight for July goes to Jenny Giacalone, who exemplifies the SEASPAR spirit through her dedication, kindness, and infectious enthusiasm.

One of the many things that make Jenny special is her frequent phone calls to Christina Healy just to say, “Hey.” Christina loves these calls, during which Jenny always thanks Christina and Matt Gorecki for being “cool” and for organizing SEASPAR programs. It’s the cutest thing ever and a true reflection of Jenny’s gratitude and affectionate nature.

Jenny is incredibly inclusive, always reaching out to non-verbal participants or those who typically don’t venture out of their way to make friends. She has a unique ability to befriend everyone and make them feel welcome, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Her thoughtfulness doesn’t stop there. Jenny is always looking out for her friends, whether it’s making sure everyone gets a fork during Cooking with SEASPAR or ensuring that everyone is dancing at a SEASPAR dance. Her helpfulness and attentiveness make every event run smoothly.

Jenny’s excellent memory and reliability are well-known. When asked to remind others about something, she never forgets and always follows through with a call. Christina often says, “I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

Jenny’s journey with SEASPAR has been nothing short of inspiring. In the Cooking with SEASPAR program, her skills have progressed so much that she is now able to use a real knife. This achievement highlights her commitment to learning and growth.

All in all, Jenny has a heart of gold and genuinely wants everyone to have a good time. Her sense of humor and playful interactions with staff add an extra layer of joy to the SEASPAR community. We are incredibly fortunate to have Jenny as part of our family.

Please join us in celebrating Jenny Giacalone, our SEASPAR Spotlight for July, for her incredible contributions and the positivity she brings to our community!