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Spring Recital 2024

The SEASPAR Spring Recital, held on May 3 at the Lincoln Center in Downers Grove, was a resounding success, showcasing the incredible musical and vocal talents of its performers. The audience was treated to a delightful array of performances that highlighted each participant’s hard work and dedication.

Becka Konicki kicked off the evening with a powerful rendition of “Born This Way,” setting an inspiring tone for the night. Sarah Cavanaugh followed with a heartfelt performance of “True Friend,” captivating the audience with her sincerity.

Riley De Los Santos brought a touch of classical elegance with a beautiful interpretation of “Clair de Lune,” while Serena Khanna transported everyone “Over the Rainbow” with her enchanting voice. Aria Larrea then brightened the room with “Here Comes the Sun,” spreading warmth and positivity.

The energy continued to build with Kari Winter’s spirited performance of “Come So Far” and Sara Mikelenas getting everyone grooving with “Shake Your Booty.” Andy Zalabak kept the momentum going with his uplifting rendition of “Higher.”

Jackson Jordan impressed the audience with his skillful play of “Air,” followed by Anna Genin’s charming performance of “Rainbow Connection.” Ricky Plemich brought a touch of pop with “Complicated,” while Jackson Beatty delighted everyone with the fun and lively “Thomas O’Malley.”

Ryan De Los Santos touched hearts with “Whisper a Prayer,” and Danny Lee charmed everyone with the classic “Twinkle Twinkle.” Bryal Peterson moved the audience with “Angel of My Heart,” and George Boby played a rousing “Ode to Joy” that resonated with everyone present.

Kristen McInerney delivered a soul-stirring “Amazing Grace,” and Katie Hansen brought a touch of Broadway with “Maybe.” Patrick Rachwal energized the crowd with “Bones,” and Mick Walsh shared a message of unity with “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.”

Becky Berman closed the solo performances with a strong and personal “Selfish,” leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

The evening concluded with an outstanding performance by the SEASPAR Glee Club, who brought the house down with their renditions of “Vogue” and “Stand in the Light,” ending the recital on a high note.

The SEASPAR Spring Recital was a tribute to all participants’ incredible talents and dedication. Each performance was a unique reflection of the performer’s hard work and passion for music, leaving the audience inspired and looking forward to next year’s recital

Watch the Spring Recital Performances on YouTube