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News & Announcements

News & Announcements

May Board Meeting Location

The SEASPAR Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, May 17 will convene at 2:30 p.m. at the Downers Grove Park District Golf Course Clubhouse, located at 1220 Haddow Avenue in Downers Grove. Download the meeting change notice and agenda.

Summer Kick-Off Party on June 5

Come enjoy an afternoon of fun with all your SEASPAR friends at the annual Summer Kick-Off Party! This year's event will take place on Sunday, June 5 from 1-4 p.m. at Ty Warner Park in Westmont. We'll have food, games, music, and lots of good times! The Summer Kick-Off Party is a free program for… View full article…

Walk and Roll-A-Thon Fundraiser

SEASPAR’s annual Walk and Roll-A-Thon fundraising event is returning to Ebersold Park in Downers Grove on Sunday, May 22 from 10 a.m. to noon! SEASPAR participants, their families and friends, and all community members who support SEASPAR's work are invited to participate. Take part in the event by asking family, friends, churches, clubs, teachers, co-workers, and… View full article…

9-Hole Golf Event Returns May 17

Enjoy an afternoon on the greens on Tuesday, May 17 at the Downers Grove Golf Course while supporting SEASPAR's mission of providing top-notch recreational programs and services to people with disabilities! Registration for this 9-hole outing opens at 11 a.m., with a shotgun start at noon. Tickets are $50/person and include lunch. Proceeds benefit SEASPAR's programs and… View full article…

Summer Program Registration

Registration for SEASPAR's summer program season is open! Download the Program Guide for program details, or register online now. This includes summer day camps! Download the Day Camp Guide for more information. Registration closes on Monday, May 2 at 4:30 p.m.

American English Concert on May 5

The award-winning Beatles tribute band American English returns to the Tivoli Theatre in Downers Grove on Thursday, May 5, for SEASPAR’s annual concert fundraiser! Doors open at 6 p.m. and the show begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased online or by calling SEASPAR at 630.960.7600. Tickets may also be purchased at the SEASPAR… View full article…

Summer Day Camp

Start thinking summer - summer day camp, that is! This year's day camp is going "40 Leagues Under the SEASPAR" to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Campers will have a lot to explore this summer in the depths below, voyaging under the waves to new discoveries through a variety of exciting expeditions prepared by camp staff. Traditional… View full article…

Level Up Basketball Tournament for SEASPAR

The Level UP Basketball Academy of Downers Grove is hosting the Level UP Cares 3v3 Basketball Tournament on Saturday, April 9, with all proceeds from the event benefiting SEASPAR. Level UP provides high-level basketball coaching to children in the Chicagoland area, and has recently become a partner of SEASPAR with its Level UP Cares program… View full article…

Participant Receives State Award

At the Illinois Association of Park Districts’ Annual Meeting on January 30, Diane Main presented her 2016 Chairman’s Award to SEASPAR participant Michele Forzley. Michele, a Westmont resident, has been participating in SEASPAR programming since 2000, when she was 14 years old. A dedicated athlete, Michele has been involved in a variety of our Special… View full article…