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Summer Day Camp

Start thinking summer – summer day camp, that is!

Venture into this year’s adventure as we travel with our Passport to Fun! Campers have a lot to encounter this summer as they journey to new discoveries through a variety of exciting expeditions prepared by camp staff. Traditional day camp activities as well as some new experiences are planned for the following camps:

SEASPAR Summer Day Camp 2018 LogoKids Camp

Ages 5-12
El Sierra School, Downers Grove
(Note: This camp has been moved from its original location of Belle Aire School.)
Transportation available!
Session 1: Monday-Friday, June 11-29
Session 2: Monday-Friday, July 2-20

Teen & Adult Camp

Ages 13-22
Centennial Community Center, Lemont
Transportation available!
Session 1: Monday-Friday, June 11-29
Session 2: Monday-Friday, July 2-20

Camp Carefree

Ages 8-22
SEASPAR, Downers Grove
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, June 11-July 27

Little Adventure Camp

Ages 3-6
La Grange Community Center
Transportation available!
Session 1: Monday-Friday, July 23-27
Session 2: Monday-Friday, July 30-August 3
Full-day and half-day options available!

Child and Camp Counselor on SwingsAdventure Camp I

Ages 7-12
La Grange Community Center
Transportation available!
Session 1: Monday-Friday, July 23-27
Session 2: Monday-Friday, July 30-August 3
Full-day and half-day options available!

Adventure Camp II

Ages 13-22
Centennial Community Center, Lemont
Transportation available!
Session 1: Monday-Friday, July 23-27
Session 2: Monday-Friday, July 30-August 3
Full-day and half-day options available!

Camp Counselor with Child in PoolBursting with Fun Camp: LADSE

LADSE Students Ages 5-13
La Grange Community Center
Monday-Friday, June 14-July 13

Bursting with Fun Camp: D102 La Grange

D102 La Grange Students Ages 5-13
La Grange Community Center
Monday-Thursday, June 11-July 19

Extended Bursting with Fun Camp

Ages 5-13
Belle Aire School, Downers Grove
Transportation available!
Monday-Friday, July 16-20

Check out the Summer Day Camp Guide flipbook for all the details, download a PDF of the guideClicking this link will open a PDF document., or call 630.960.7600 to request a copy. The guide is also available for pickup at the SEASPAR office. It includes a $10 coupon for first-time summer day campers!

Online registration begins Monday, April 9 and ends Monday, April 30. A $25 late fee is charged for all registrations submitted after April 30, and no registrations are accepted after Monday, May 7. (The exception is Adventure Camp, which is due Monday, June 18.) Visit the registration page for more information about program registration.

Don’t miss out on this great way to spend out-of-school time – spending the summer with SEASPAR!

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