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News & Announcements

News & Announcements

Picnic & Flick on July 22

Join SEASPAR and the Village of Indian Head Park for a FREE night of food and family fun at Blackhawk Park on July 22 at 6:30 p.m.! Enjoy a BBQ featuring hot dogs, bratwurst, baked beans, salads, dessert, and more. Then watch DreamWorks' Trolls on a big screen in the park while snacking on popcorn and… View full article…

Believe & Achieve Banquet and Awards

On May 17, SEASPAR staff, volunteers, participants, families, and partners came together to celebrate a year of achievement at the annual Believe & Achieve Recognition Banquet. More than 250 people attended the event at Abbington Banquets in Glen Ellyn. One highlight of the banquet is the presentation of awards to participants, staff, volunteers, and community… View full article…